St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School

Spirituality, Aspiration, Innovation, Diversity

Pupil Premium

At St Francis we are constantly looking for ways to improve attitudes, achievement and parental engagement for all children, working to ensure all aspects of school life are fully inclusive. To this end, we are committed to ensuring that all our pupils have access to the highest quality teaching and learning and work with teachers committed to high standards for all and a rich and inspiring curriculum.

Our class teachers and Senior Leadership Team track the achievement of children who qualify for Pupil premium closely, ensuring they have their needs clearly identified and their progress closely monitored throughout school; in particular monitoring the ‘gap’ in their achievement and that of their peers.

In 2023-24 the total amount of Pupil Premium Funding allocated to St Francis is £53,340

The funding is used to:

  • Support teachers in developing a full range of teaching strategies and approaches.
  • Extend the support for children’s learning by tailoring interventions according to need and ensure they are delivered by highly trained staff including speech and language, 1st Class number, reading fluency groups, Talk Boost and ELSA.
  • Subsidise school trips and other extra-curricular activities and opportunities that boost learning.
  • Offer PE sessions including Sensory Circuits.
  • Supply ICT resources including laptops for home learning.

If you believe you are eligible for this funding please see Emily Palmer in the office to help you apply online.

Advice for Parents and Carers